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Shop for fresh, affordable food!
Cash, Credit, SNAP, Seniors and WIC Farmer Market Nutritional Program (FNMP) checks and Fresh Account credits accepted!
Enjoy a few games of Cornhole Toss with friends. Held outdoors if weather permits or in the Cafe.
Please join at 9:45am at Valley Manor’s warm water pool.
You can enjoy a low impact aquatic class that focuses on mobility, balance and range of motion.
Locker rooms are available.
If you have any questions please contact Kathy Pottetti @ 585-770-1962
Fit N’ Flex is a low impact group exercise class focusing on gently increasing your heart rate, creating strength and increasing mobility.
No equipment is necessary.
Class is located in Valley Manor’s Music Lounge.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Pottetti at 585-770-1962.
Join Barbara for a fun-filled class consisting
of gentle cardio, stretching,
strengthening and balance exercises in the Rockwood Community Room.
Have fun building heart health, strength, coordination, and balance. We utilize a chair for part of the class, but it can be used for the entire workout if needed. All are welcome!
Class held in the Multi Purpose Room or Cafe.
Join us for a water fitness class that focuses on low-impact to gently work every major muscle group and joint; to improve balance; and foster a sense of connection among participants. This is a one hour class.
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© Episcopal SeniorLife Communities 2025
Content by Sally Dixon Concepts & Copy
Photography by WalterColleyImages.com