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Please join at 9:45am at Valley Manor’s warm water pool.
You can enjoy a low impact aquatic class that focuses on mobility, balance and range of motion.
Locker rooms are available.
If you have any questions please contact Kathy Pottetti @ 585-770-1962
Join us at Ellen’s Place for a class designed for YOU to increase strength, gain ability to move with ease, and improve brain and bone health!
In the chapel
Join us at Ellen’s Place to socialize and meet new friends!
Calmness by Color is a relaxing class that combines adult coloring, calming music, and peaceful company to help you de-stress and find inner peace. No supplies needed, please feel free to bring your own if you choose!
Join Julie Battaglia from Lifespan for SAIL (Stay Active & Independent for Life) class at Beatrice Place.
This Lifespan evidence-based fall prevention program is centered around strength, balance, and fitness!
A suggested donation of $25 to Lifespan can be brought to class upon joining.
Contact Julie Montgomery to register!
jmontgomery@episcopalseniorlife.org 585-546-8439 ext 1945
Join us in the Community Room to engage in gentle activity designed to keep you focused and able to ease your way into the evening! All levels are able and encouraged to attend!
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© Episcopal SeniorLife Communities 2025
Content by Sally Dixon Concepts & Copy
Photography by WalterColleyImages.com