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Head down to the Activity Room anytime between 8:30-10am for a hot and fresh breakfast! Eggs to order, pancakes, bacon are a few of the many rotating options
Zoom Mtg ID 367-101-1007 Password 808080
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Tai chi is a series of gentle physical exercises and stretches. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion. Tai chi is sometimes described as meditation in motion because it promotes serenity through gentle movements — connecting the mind and body.
No equipment needed.
Class is located in the Valley Manor, Music Lounge
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Pottetti at 585-770-1962.
Please join at 9:45am at Valley Manor’s warm water pool.
You can enjoy a low impact aquatic class that focuses on mobility, balance and range of motion.
Locker rooms are available.
If you have any questions please contact Kathy Pottetti @ 585-770-1962
Cardio Fitness and Strength Training Class, can be modified for a chair.
Zoom Mtg ID 669 036 3027 Password 123456s
Join Maya from FoodLink for healthy food/cooking demonstrations with your friends and neighbors at Rockwood Center!
Sign up at Rockwood Center or contact Julie! All are welcome!
Julie Montgomery 585-546-8439 ext 1945 jmontgomery@episcopalseniorlife.org
Please meet in the Living Room
Fit N’ Flex is a low impact group exercise class focusing on gently increasing your heart rate, creating strength and increasing mobility.
No equipment is necessary.
Class is located in Valley Manor’s Music Lounge.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Pottetti at 585-770-1962.
Create strength and flexibility in both your body and your mind. Learn breathing techniques to calm and restore balance. No equipment required except a chair.
Zoom Mtg ID 367-101-1007 Password 808080
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© Episcopal SeniorLife Communities 2025
Content by Sally Dixon Concepts & Copy
Photography by WalterColleyImages.com