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Shuffleboard is on the second floor around the corner from the pool table!
Like to play Euchre? Come on down to the cafe and play a few hands with some new friends.
Join us for this classic twist on an old favorite game of chance! (Bingo)
Enjoy a cup of coffee, meet some new friends, and win some delicious snacks!
We play every Wednesday at 11am!
We have games to play in the Cafe!
Join Julie Battaglia from Lifespan for SAIL (Stay Active & Independent for Life) class at Beatrice Place.
This Lifespan evidence-based fall prevention program is centered around strength, balance, and fitness!
A suggested donation of $25 to Lifespan can be brought to class upon joining.
Contact Julie Montgomery to register!
jmontgomery@episcopalseniorlife.org 585-546-8439 ext 1945
Have fun building heart health, strength, coordination, and balance. We utilize a chair for part of the class, but it can be used for the entire workout if needed. All are welcome!
Class held in the Multi Purpose Room or Cafe.
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© Episcopal SeniorLife Communities 2025
Content by Sally Dixon Concepts & Copy
Photography by WalterColleyImages.com