April 2, 2021
Home > Blog > How to Prepare for Springtime Allergies
The air is bursting with excitement and a constant wave of pollen. Spring is here.
While the changing of the seasons is often a welcome relief from the cold, spring brings with it increased pollen and mold in the environment.
From dander to dust mites, a plethora of allergens is moving throughout the air this time of year. For many, spring symbolizes nothing but sneezing, coughing and a stuffy nose.
But, without question, you can still enjoy everything spring has to offer. Let’s talk about planning for spring allergies and the most important steps you can take to protect yourself from the annual pollen blast.
You tend to experience spring allergies when your immune system overreacts to a harmless substance in the air, known as an allergen. When you deal with an allergy, your body produces antibodies that travel to the cells that release histamine and other chemicals.
This histamine causes swelling in the eyes and nose in an attempt to stop allergens from entering your body. Histamine also causes sneezing to remove allergens by way of the nose.
But the main cause of spring allergies is usually the pollen that grows and reproduces during the season.
When you breathe in that allergen, your body can react in miserable ways — ways we have come to call typical spring allergies.
Where you live dictates which pollens are kicking up and what allergies are flaring. Whatever types of plants thrive around you directly impacts the type of pollens you’re being exposed to daily.
It’s important to check out an allergy season chart to learn when certain pollens are heavy in your area.
The key to understanding your spring allergies is to learn more about where you live so you can see what allergens are most common — helping you narrow down what may be spiking your spring allergy symptoms.
Some of the more common symptoms associated with spring allergies can include:
A few ways to avoid getting bogged down by the springtime allergy season are simple and effective techniques that can have you breathing better in no time.
This spring, consider joining the Neighborhood Program at Episcopal SeniorLife Communities – a member-based health and wellness program for seniors in the areas we serve. This program provides exercise classes, nutrition education, informational presentations, and the opportunity to connect with others and grow a social network.
Our senior living residents here at Episcopal SeniorLife Communities enjoy a range of services and amenities, including healthy dining options, to help keep their bodies healthy and their minds sharp.
Contact us today to learn more about our living options and to schedule a tour.
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Content by Sally Dixon Concepts & Copy
Photography by WalterColleyImages.com