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ESLC News: Beatrice Place Nominates Barnard Fire Department for Excellence

Al Adaskin, a resident of Beatrice Place, nominated the  Barnard Fire District  for their excellence as first responders. See the news story from Channel 8 here:

GREECE, NY (WROC) — Assistant Chief Steve Dorgan with the Barnard Fire District says they have a fondness for a certain senior living community in Greece.

“We’ve had lunch, we’ve had dinner. They’re family,” he said.

At Episcopal SeniorLife’s Beatrice Place on Denise Road, a big part of what the crews do when not responding to emergencies is prevention and training with the residents.

“If we can get to somebody ahead of time and stop something from happening, or pick up on something…” said Dorgan.

Workshops like blood pressure clinics, fire safety, and others help keep the residents safe. Firefighter and paramedic PJ Doyle says going over there is “awesome.”

“The staff is very caring for the residents. We interact with them frequently,” said Doyle.

“They come in with smiles on their faces for every emergency you can imagine,” said Beatrice Place resident Al Adaskin.

From slips and falls to things on the more serious side, residents Al Adaskin said the folks at Barnard provide peace of mind.

“It’s just great to have people well-trained and well-versed in what we need,” said Adaskin.

Michelle Scipioni with Episcopal SeniorLife Communities says even during emergencies, seeing the fire teams is always a morale booster for the seniors and staff.

“We’re just very grateful,” she said.

Dorgan did add in addition to Episcopal Senior Life, they do these kinds of events and outreach with other communities and organizations throughout their area of responsibility in Greece.

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